Entry |
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Radley Census 1811 (gives names of heads of families, numbers of people in their houses divided into males and females, occupation of the head). In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.10 |
1841 Census. Transcript of Radley returns |
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D.373 |
1851 Census. Transcript of Radley returns |
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D.374 |
1861 Census. Transcript of Radley returns, excluding Radley College |
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D.375 |
1871 Census. Transcript of Radley returns, excluding Radley College |
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D.376 |
1881 Census. Transcript of Radley returns, excluding Radley College |
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D.377 |
1891 Census. Transcript of Radley returns, excluding Radley College |
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D.378 |
1901 Census. Transcript of Radley returns, excluding Radley College, and index of names |
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D.379 |
1911 Census. Radley summary book and detailed pages for Wick Hall |
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D.411 |
Population statistics for Radley from the 1931 and 1951 Census reports, including acreage of the parish, and figures for persons, males, females. private households, population in private households, structurally separate dwellings occupied, and rooms occupied. The 1951 figures take account of the 1936 Order which created Kennington as a separate parish out of Radley and South Hinksey. Information supplied by the Centre for Oxfordshire Studies in September 2003. |
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D.142 |
Berkshire Religious Census 1851. Extracts relating to Radley, Radley College, Kennington and Sunningwell. For a full copy of the book published by the Berkshire Record Society, Vol. 14, 2010, edited by Kate Tiller and presented by Kate Tiller, see Books, B.103. |
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D.223 |
Extract from Berkshire Religious Census 1851, edited by Kate Tiller, published by Berkshire Record Society, Volume 14, 2010, being the entry for St James Parish Church, Radley. |
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D.281 |
Introduction to the Parish Registers by Stanley Baker, July 2000. In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.1 |
Article in Radley News, September 2000, by Stanley Baker entitled 'Radley Parish Registers'. |
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D.18 |
Baptisms 1599-1900. In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.2 |
Burials 1599-1900. In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.3 |
Marriages 1599-1900. In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.4 |
Banns (for non-Radley Church marriages) 1761-1895. In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.5 |
Return by Vicar of Radley as to baptisms (male and female), burials (male and female) and marriages for the years 1801-1810. Dated 19 June 1811. In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.11 |
Radley Register of Baptisms 1599-1900 - Index of Personal Names. In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.13 |
Radley Register of Marriages 1599-1900 - Index of Personal Names. In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.14 |
Radley Register of Burials 1599-1900 - Index of Personal Names. In Ring Binder No. 1 containing copies of transcripts of the Radley Parish Registers and other documents. |
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D.1.15 |
Oxfordshire Family History Society parish register transcripts, Abingdon Registration District volume 3, including Radley. These transcripts go up to 1950 for baptisms, 1961 for marriages and 1981 for burials - later than the printed copies at D.1.13 to D.1.15. |
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D.1.16 |
Transcripts of Radley censuses by Stanley Baker, hard copy and disc, as follows:
(1) 1811
(2) 1841, including Kennington
(3) 1851, including Kennington
(4) 1861, excluding Kennington and Radley College
(5) 1871, excluding Kennington and Radley College
(6) 1881, excluding Kennington and Radley College
(7) 1891, excluding Kennington and Radley College (8) 1901, excluding Kennington and Radley College, together with index of names.
For further census documents see D.1, D.3 and D.113 |
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D.339 |
Census returns. Ring Binder No. 3 containing the following copy documents of censuses: (2) 1871 Census - List of Names of Radley persons and their ages; (3) 1891 Census - List of Names of Radley and Kennington persons and their ages; (4) 1871 Census - Northcourt; (5) 1871 Census - Abingdon Workhouse; (6) 1881 Census - Northcourt; (7) 1891 Census - Northcourt. NB For further census documents see Documents D.113. |
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D.3(2-7) |
Extracts from the 1881 Census for Radley listing the heads of households. Presented by Christine Wootton. |
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D.59.2 |
Typescript of the Kennington entries in the 1901 Census report. Presented by Robert Sephton. |
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D.102 |
Copies of Census documents for Radley, Sunningwell, Kennington etc., as follows:
(1)(a) 1811 Radley Census, 27 May 1811
(1)(b) 1811 Return by Vicar of Radley dated 19 June 1811 as to baptisms, burials and marriages for the years 1801 to 1810
(2) Enumerators’ books for 1841 Census for Radley, Pumney, Thrupp, Wick and Sunningwell. Also transcript.
(3) 1851 Census reports for Radley and Sunningwell.
(4) 1861 Census reports for Radley and Sunningwell
(5) 1871 Census reports for Radley and Sunningwell
(6) 1881 Census reports for Radley and Sunningwell
(7) 1891 Census reports for Radley and Sunningwell
(8) 1901 Census reports for Radley and Sunningwell
(9) Two copies of the 1911 census return for Radley, from Stanley Baker's research notes and donated by his family after his death. One copy has seven more pages than the other and it is possible that neither are complete. |
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D.113 |
1871 and censuses: indices of Radley names compiled by Stanley Baker 2001 and donated to Radley History Club by his family after his death. The names are taken from all the parishes in the registration district of Radley, not just from Radley itself. |
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D.321 |
1939 wartime register: entries for Radley addresses derived from Find my Past database by Stanley Baker and donated to Radley History Club by his family after his death. See also D.385 |
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D.322 |
1939 wartime register. Copies of 21 original register pages for Radley derived from Ancestry database; note by Joyce Huddleston explaining the register and the redactions; list by her of Lower Radley houses and occupants derived from the register. See also D.322 |
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D.385 |
Copy of Register of Electors 1981 for Bigwood, Kennington Road, Lodge Hill, Oxford Road, Pebble Hill, Sugworth Crescent, Sugworth Lane and Woodlands, all in the Parish of Radley. |
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D.131 |
Article written and presented by Richard Dudding entitled Radley Protestation Returns and Tax Assessments 1641-42, including an explanation of the Protestation Oath and Tax and a Master Table of the Radley, Thrupp and Kennington Oath and Tax entries against individual names, which are compared with the 1633 Terrier of Radley Manor and the 1851 Census Return. November 2010. |
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D.213 |